Autism Specific Resources

Resource List

Here is a list of local organizations and other resources for children with developmental differences. This list is in no particular order and will be added to as we discover new resources.

If you know of an organization that you think should be listed here please let us know. Email us at

Ohio's Interagency Work Group on Autism

"It's really a collaborative effort across multiple state agencies who have come together in order to have a conversation in first identifying the need, but also in figuring out a great way to meet the need." – Ohio Department of Education Office of Exceptional Children

Bittersweet Farms

The mission of Bittersweet Farms is to positively impact the lives of individuals with autism and those whose lives they touch.

Pierce's Crew Foundation

Help fund therapy and programs for children with special needs in Hancock County.

Autism Society of Northwest Ohio

They provide support, education, and advocacy.

Autism Society of Ohio

ASO is a coalition of local Autism Society affiliates focusing on statewide advocacy and awareness and serving areas not covered by a local affiliate.

Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence

Autism resources and training


Provides assistive technology devices to individuals with autism.

Autistic, Not Weird

"Insight from a former teacher with Asperger Syndrome"

The Horse Boy

"Horses Helping Children with Autism, Brain Building & Kinetic Learning"

Wood County Hospital

Autism services through Wood County Hospital.

The PLAY Project

"The P.L.A.Y. (Play and Language for Autistic Youngsters)  Project® is a parent implemented, intensive early intervention program for young children with autism that is evidence-based."